Центр допомоги


I found an item I bought cheaper elsewhere

Finding a great deal on a product you've purchased can be frustrating, especially if you find it at a lower price elsewhere. At Shopiro, we understand this and we want to help you find a solution.

While Shopiro cannot price match for the sellers, buyers can ask the sellers if they can lower the price of an item they are selling or provide them with a coupon code to be more in line with their competition. Some sellers may be willing to lower the price for you, especially if you have a good relationship with them.

If an order was placed before this discovery, the user and seller will need to work together towards an understanding. This could be a partial refund, coupon code for future order(s) or order cancellation, depending on the seller's policy.

It's important to note that some sellers may not be able to lower the price, as the price of an item is influenced by a variety of factors such as supply, demand, and production costs.

If you have any questions or concerns about an item you've purchased, please don't hesitate to reach out to the seller directly through the messaging system or reach out to our customer service team through the live-chat feature available 24/7.