Is there a limit to how many API requests I can make per minute?

Requests are rate-limited to one API request per 500 miliseconds or 120 requests per minute.

Does the API require authentication?

The API requires an applicationID and a private key, both of which can be obtained by creating a developer application here.

Is the API free to use?

Our API endpoint is free to use but some third party integrations may not be free of charge or open-source.

Is Shopiro open-source?

While the platform is built around a significant amount of open-source technologies the source code is proprietary for competitive reasons.

How many applications can I have on my account?

There is a limit of 10 applications per Shopiro account.

Do I have to specify if the request is aimed at my store or personal selling?

When creating an application you are asked if it's scope is your store or personal selling. One application may not have both scopes.

Can I sell software that is using Shopiro's APIs?

Altough we encourage developers to freely shares the tools and integrations they create that use our APIs you are free to sell them.

Can I contact Shopiro's customer service through instant messages to get help with the APIs?

Yes! Simply state you wish to inquire about Shopiro's APIs and you should be able to be transferred to someone in the know.

Are the APIs available in all countries?

The APIs are available everywhere the main platform is. While this may not be current information, Russian and North Korean IP addresses are currently blocked.

Can I know how long the API request take to execute?

In every responses is a value named "request_processed_in" which expresses how long the server spent preparing or executing the request in miliseconds. This does not include network latency.